
I have written stories since I was three years old - even before I could write. Yes, the first story was in the form cartoon of horses - I had just met a police horse, fallen in love with horses, and wanted to tell stories of them. So I told a story in pictures. And I have been drawing and painting ever since. Lately I have been interested in photographing, which you will see in my Daily Happiness Journal emails.

As I write this I have published 10 books and one novel (the last one is for my author website email subscribers only). Three of these are children's books I also illustrated for the American University in Cairo Press.

I started studying Egyptology in 2009 when it became possible to do that at university level as a distant student. At the moment (2020) I am doing my MA in Egyptology at the University of Manchester.

You can guess all my books have a common theme - namely ancient Egypt. But they are not history books. No, they are novels which have more of less Egyptian facts in them.

I love a good laugh and anything that lifts the spirits. This is why I had already for years wondered about publishing a little daily email to anyone who would also like to see the little good things in life. And so this website and email list was born.

You can subscribe to my Daily Happiness Journal email using the link below. I won't give your email to anyone.  You can check the home page to see what the emails are like (newsletter archive is at the bottom of the page)
